Concert Review: Black Sherif’s Mozama Disco Concert

I haven’t been outside- specifically to music concerts or social events- post COVID-19. My “outsiding” has primarily been to work and back home, occasionally straying into a few events when invited. I don’t remember the last time I was at a music concert. This year has not been an exception. There have been times when I would make a mental […]

WTF! Ghana Shows

An obvious fact about December? It is a whirlwind of parties, events and many many concerts. And, like most people like to say, December is the ‘’cocoa season’’ for artists- the term ‘’cocoa season’’ just means a period for artists to make money from shows. One thing is certain in December: All your favourite artists will be passed around, like, blunts, and […]

A Tale of Entitlement: A Case Study Of Ghana’s Music Industry

The land of Red, Gold, and Green has always been a home of great creativity, artistry, and talent. For the many things Ghana is known for, our contribution to the arts ranks at the topmost. Over the years, we have had different creatives whose contributions have contributed to the growth of the arts in Ghana and Africa as a whole. From film, photography, fashion, creative […]

Afrofusion Artist, DARKUA Is Here and Ready To Go

Ever since I caught her performance for her single ‘’Amalelor’’, I made a mental note to check out the Afrobeats / AfroSoul artiste’s catalogue. What got me interested? Her stagecraft, choosing to perform a live set instead of the normal miming over dj set and her vocals. She does not possess a Whitney Houston or Beyonce-esque vocal abilities, but she […]


One of the greatest things a lot of musicians hope for, is to sell out big shows outside of their home country. Aside from the usual award wins, millions of streams accumulated and having their music crossing borders-regionally and continentally, selling out big shows is a huge priority on everyone’s to-do-list. That’s why you hear some of these artistes speak of […]


Rahim Munir SUCCESS is not only predicated on talent alone. other factors like timing, grace, goodwill among the general populace and a good chi contribute immensely towards ensuring a person’s success. Black Sherif seems to have all these factors forging together to elevate him towards a strata only a few could ascend. As he rightfully articulated during his inspiring acceptance […]

The Role of Tik Tok in Today’s Viral Music

It’s a new paradigm in music promotion and marketing in this social media-driven era where anybody – from artists to content creators – is sharing with the world their creativity.  Video-sharing platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram (IG) Live have become the new testing grounds for newer contents. These social media platforms have democratised audio-visual content at a relatively cheaper […]

Happenings in 2021: Part 1

I remember vividly where I was on 1st Jan 2021. I also recall how a meeting with an executive of a global music company changed the career trajectory of a budding artist. more on that later. A lot happened in 2021 on the Ghanaian music and art scene, specifically with music.  The old legends kept their turf guarded while cultivating […]