Legacy Artistes and the Question of Gen Z Experience

Change will always drive evolution. Adapting to it is often arduous especially when it is tied to growth. The thing about change is that, while we may not like it, you can not do away with it. You can insulate yourself from it for a while. But, in due course, the change will find a way to get to your […]

Ko-Jo Cue Sets The Internet Ablaze On His Announcement.

A series of mixtapes, as well as a joint project with fellow BBnZ signee Shaker, have already proven Ko-Jo Cue to be one of the foremost rappers in the Ghanaian music scene for the past 5 years. Now, the Bantama native is taking things up a notch. After years of fans clamouring for another experience like his acclaimed mixtape The […]

Social Media as a Tool

What does social media mean to you? Do you ever think about it?The amount of times I have had to explain to my mom that I wasn’t just ‘pressing phone’ but was actually working or learning, she often looks at me with the wariness one might give a ‘mad’ man when one catches him soliloquising and he insists that he […]