
Listen: Ko-Jo Cue Motivates With Aso)den

Steadfastness, self-belief and a bit of headstrongness comes with its own perks. The journey towards success and recognition may be a long, arduous and sometimes scary but pays off in the end. For rapper, Ko-Jo Cue, going through this grind not only built him up, but defined who he has become.

On his latest single, Ko-Jo Cue indulges in self-reflection- taking a long shot of his career from his hub in Bantama to his current home of BBnZ. Produced by Kris D, Aso)den (which translates from Twi to English as ‘’headstrong’) is filled with personal stories,  showing off his rapping skills and thanking some of the people who have been influential in his career progression and

‘’Aso)den’’, celebrates people who have defied people’s expectation en route to achieving their dreams. Ko-Jo Cue sums it up this way: ‘’It takes a certain degree of stubbornness to achieve what everybody swears you can’t’’

Featuring his collaborative partner and label mate, Lil Shaker (on the hook), Ko-Jo Cue blends hard facts with excellent punchlines and wordplay as heard on the opening lines: ‘A1 on these streets I get bread’’. He proceeds to compare his skill-set to legendary footballer, Messi.

Signed to BBnZ in 2014, Ko-Jo Cue released his debut mixtape ‘’The Shinning’ under the label’s imprint. Since then, he had released a series of singles and collaborated with a host of artists. In November 2017, Cue and Shaker released their joint album, Pen and Paper. The duo would go on to release their smash, dance music influenced hit ‘’Mama Yie’’.

‘’Aso)den’’ is another confirmation to Ko-Jo Cue’s pen game and hip hop background.

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