Kirani Ayat, Intellectual Property Issues and What’s Important

I recall an incident where two individuals had a go at each other over an issue that, in hindsight, shouldn’t have been an issue. To cut the story short, one person made a purchase without discussing consulting the other party. When concerns were raised about the purchase, the purchaser roped in the other party, to which the person took an […]

Bryan The Mensah Has Hit “Level 2” On His Own Game.

The Bunny Sigler sample from “Shake Your Booty” set the record up right. With its not so conspicuous trap drums and head nodding bounce from the production boards of OKAIWAV, Bryan The Mensah rips through the beat with his unmistakable sing-rap delivery. The message: money dreams. That is, the young rapper has his eyes set on things bigger than just […]

Gird Center Rebrands—Strengthens Support Services for Business and Creative Community  

Gird Center, a writing, editorial and training services company based in Accra, today introduced its new corporate brand, together with a new logo, tagline and customer service approach. The re-branding reflects the company’s vision to become the global icon for exceptional writing, editing and training support for the Ghanaian Business and Creative community. Gird Center has set itself apart in […]