
The self titled EP ‘AKAN’ is not filled with positive songs but a sense of cultural authenticity is evident.

THE VERDICT AMONG those who have listened to AKAN’s self titled debut EP, attest to his undisputable talent and that he has the trappings of being the next face of rap in Ghana. I will dare add that if Obrafour is the chief linguist, AKAN is, without a doubt, the vice linguist. The name choice is apt as it represents ‘a particular culture, an idea which people can relate to’, he explains.
I first came across his 9 track EP on my twitter timeline. I was initially skeptical to click on the link for reasons that on many occasions, you regret wasting your internet bundle on downloading a underwhelming album. Regret is something I’ve never felt after going through all the 10 tracks.

akan art
EP Art Cover

The beauty of the album, aside Akan’s wordplay is his ability to not only rap but rap well (he floats on the beats effortlessly) in an spectacular fashion, something the likes of Obrafour and Kwadei lay claim to. And the New York styled hip hop beats reminiscent of the 90s matches with his flow. These two factors combine to seduce the listener first hand.

The Lapaz based Akan, who started rapping in his teen days at St. John’s Grammar School under the moniker ‘Quabena Shy’ built his talent up overtime. He was a participant in the first ever rap competition Next Big Thing In GH on GhOne TV in 2013. His output was, unfortunately not enough to see through to the finals. That didn’t dampen his spirit. Akan went on to put out a couple of singles- The Way I Feel and Mo Befi Mi in 2014.  The Akan EP, released in March, 2015 is gradually getting noticed by fans with artists such as Wanlov and Kojo Cue giving it thumbs up and getting spin on some radio stations.
Songs such as Regular Joe, Akora Bone Asitina, Anokye, Onipa Anim, Mido Mi Ho (which samples Jay Z’s Roc Boys –The Winner Is) exhibit Akan’s storytelling skills, his passions and infused with uplifting message of hopes and dreams. The EP is not filled with positive songs but a sense of cultural authenticity is evident.
As a debut EP, Akan has moved a step away from the underground section of the music scene and planted himself on the ‘Must Watch’ roaster. A bit of exposure-airplay or guest features by artists with clout shall provide him enough helium to power his balloon further above the ground.
Click the link below to listen and download the AKAN EP
Written by @Swayekidd

4 thoughts on “ALBUM REVIEW: AKAN EP by AKAN

    • Author gravatar

      When first interviewed him, I got the opportunity to listen to his songs. My initial favorite was ‘Anokye’ for its wordplay. But I have a new favorite now. Unfortunately I can’t seem to remember the title but he was really in point with his rap and the beat. He’s gonna rise, this guy.

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