Watch: R2Bees New Video For “Beautiful”

R2Bees, from all indications, are on a roll. They are releasing songs and video faster than you can imagine. It’s like they are compensating fans for their hiatus since dropping the Efya assisted ‘Could This Be Love’ in June. Between July to present, the duo have released four songs and videos, including their latest, ‘’Beautiful’’

The adjective, ‘beautiful’, has been used in many ways than the brain can remember. One can make an exhaustive list of artists who have used ‘beautiful’ as song titles or reference it in their music. The award winning duo are the latest crop of artist to employ this heralded adjective on a song. As one could infer from the title, the afropop tune celebrates the beauty of women.

What’s been impressive about R2Bees in the last quarter of this year has been how quick they are working- putting out music and videos at the same time. Obviously, the R2Bees release machine is working overtime.
‘’Beautiful’ comes a week after ‘Supa; their banger with Wizkid. Other songs released by them include the dancehall tinged ‘’Could This Be Love (featuring Efya), ‘’We Dey Vibe’’ and ‘’Boys Kasa’’
With these string of releases, it is clear Paedae (Omar Sterling) and Mugeez are preparing us towards the release of their highly anticipated album, “Site 15”. If we are to glean anything from the impending album off these singles, then ‘Site 15’ would satisfy everyone’s musical palate: be it suckers for love songs, dancehall, hip hop or afropop.
Watch video below:

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