‘Flame On’ by Ria Boss is a relevant song for this time

On her recently released EP, singer Ria Boss was quick to remind us of the need and importance of being free. The advantages of finding ourselves and traversing this catastrophic thing called life to a place of bliss where happiness and freedom shake hands frequently and not intermittently. Every song on the Six (6) track EP- beginning with ‘Golden’ to […]

The Ghanaian producer behind Nigeria’s favorite hits

The year 2013 was a revelation for afropop. At the time, Nigerian artists such as Davido and P-Square were releasing infectious club tracks that emanated directly from the high energy of life in Lagos; songs like “Skelewu” and “Personally” dominated local airwaves and then spread globally, waving the flag for Nigerian pop. But 2013 was also the year that a […]

THE CUTS: EP 01 Vol. 8

THE CUTS is your weekly round-up of songs and videos-and anything that has caught our attention and think you must hear or see. The music featured here aren’t genre specific. THE CUTS is delivered every FRIDAY   Kwesi Arthur – Live From Nkrumah Krom It was King Priam of Troy who said, upon meeting Helen for the first time –after she had […]

Listen: OneBeat 2016 Mixtape

The ONEBEAT global music exchange is proud to present our fifth annual OneBeat Mixtape, showcasing an exciting sampling of artists on the rise and eclectic sounds from across the globe. Each year OneBeat brings together twenty-five innovative musicians from every region of the world for one month to collaboratively write, produce and perform original music, and develop strategies for arts-based social change. This mixtape […]

New Music: Coroner: Inside Out by Poetra

One of the qualities of creatives is their ability to explore and project other creative sides embedded within them. But for their fans, it often evokes numerous questions, doubts and fears. Fans always want their favourite creatives to pursue the interest they (fans) have known and grown to love them for. Any attempt by the creative to step ‘out of […]

Beat Tapes & Music: The Producers Turn

It seems we are in that era where producers don’t want to be in the shadows any longer-producing music for artistes and having their signature name on the songs. Producers seem to be desiring the bright lights of stardom. Some are brave to make their presence known and felt beyond their core fans to a broader audience. They are doing […]

Asantewa with one A at the end? That’s an ‘Anomaly’

“I’m nearly certain that I’m not normal, I’m almost sure there’s no way I can be fixed. I’m an Anomaly.” In our world, society expects us to follow conventions and live a ‘normal life’. But what’s ‘normal’ anyway? On her latest spoken work piece, Poetra Asantewa, née Ama Asantewa Diaka, tackles this subject by reflecting on who she is: An Anomaly. […]