Video: M.anifest Loves Azumah Nelson

M.anifest has an interesting way of handing titles to his songs. These titles aren’t chosen for fanciful purposes. They are to highlight his position and pedigree within the music space. Song titles like ‘godMC’, ‘Bear’, ‘Ozymandias’, ‘Damn You Rafiki’ all have inherent messages embedded within them. So is the case with ‘’Azumah Nelson Flow’’, the latest video released by M.anifest; […]

Poet Koo Kumi Eulogies Mohammed Ali on “The Greatest Poem Ever”

The world remembers the brave. Their deeds continue to attest to their bravery, inspire others and, to an extent, influence and shape the course of history. One of the men whose deeds embodies all the above is ‘the greatest boxer to ever live’, Mohammed Ali. His prowess as a boxer made him a household name; his politics impacted American society […]