Harmattan Rain Joins Apple Music As Partner Curator
Harmattan Rain has joined a list of official curator pages for Apple Music. The Ghana based music agency dedicated to discovering emerging music from the African continent, has announced its new partnership with Apple Music as a curator for the streaming site.

The Playlist Artwork
Carefully put together by the editorial team, The Harmattan Rain curated page will highlight emerging and alternative music from across the African continent and diaspora.
Playlists include regional and genre based ones as well as special playlists for specific occasions.
The Apple music curated page was launched with 12 playlists in total: From the North, From the South, From the East, From the West, Francophone Connection, Africa to the World, Alte, Bar 4 Bar, Afroheat, Sister sounds, Afro lover and Vintage Groove.

An interesting aspect to note is that all artwork on the page is made by African artists. Genre based playlists with a futuristic feel and trippy colours are by Nigerian artist Niyi Okeowo. The surreal collages for the regional playlists include photography from Ghanaian clothing brand Threaded Tribes.
“Each artwork is a representative of the energy of these playlists as well as the creative involved. The artwork exclaims that ‘This is the future of Africa’” remarks Harmattan Rain lead, Benewaah Boateng.

Explore Harmattan Rain’s channel on Apple Music here and make sure to follow to stay update on the Africa’ up next!
Deep dive into Harmattan Rain playlists on Apple Music below:
From the North
All the best selections of emerging sounds and artists to watch from Northern Africa. Click HERE to listen
From The South
A selection of music from our favourite emerging Southern African musicians. Click HERE to stream playlist.
From The East
East African gems on the rise to take over. Click HERE to stream playlist.
From The West
Best new sounds from the new wave of Western Africa. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Francophone Connection
A playlist featuring what’s hot and who’s up next from Francophone countries. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Africa To The World
This playlist features songs, features and productions and even influences of African musicians and other artists worldwide. Click HERE to stream playlist.
This playlist is a smooth selection of alternative, soul and R&B sounds of the future. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Bar 4 Bar is a curation of the tightest flows, hardest bars and sucker punching punchlines from emerging African artists. It includes rap, hip hop and trap sounds. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Afroheat playlist is a selction of the hottest African songs that keep the clubs moving. From Lagos to Addis Ababa, Accra and Nairobi – this is the rythmn of Africa. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Sister Sounds
Sister Sounds is an appreciation of the astounding women in African music. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Afro Lover
African love stories filled with heartbreak, money and unfaltering promises sang over rhythmic bops and grooves. Click HERE to stream playlist.
Vintage Groove
This playlist is a curation of music heavily influenced by old school styles such as highlife and Fuji. It includes music from bands and live performances. Click HERE to stream playlist.