Writers Project of Ghana and the Goethe Institute will host South African writer Sabata-mpho Mokae as featured author for September, 2015 at their monthly readings in Accra.
Sabata-mpho Mokae writes in two languages: English and Setswana. He is the author of the biography The Story of Sol T Plaatje, the novella Dikeledi and a poetry collection,Escaping Trauma. His debut novel Ga Ke Modisa (I’m Not My Brother’s Keeper) won the M-Net Literary Award for Best Novel in Setswana as well as the M-Net Film Award in 2013. He also won the South African Literary Award in 2011. His short story Down Sol Plaatje Drive was performed on theatre stage during the Global Express in Iowa City, USA in 2014. His latest book Kanakotsame: In My Times, a collection of short fiction pieces, was launched in 2015.
Sabata holds an MA degree in Creative Writing from Rhodes University. In 2014 he was a writer-in-residence at the University of Iowa, where he was also awarded honorary fellowship. He lectures in creative writing at the Sol Plaatje University in Kimberley, South Africa.
Date: Wednesday, 30th September, 2015
Time: 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM
Venue: Goethe Institute, 30 Kakramadu Close, Cantonments, Accra (near NAFTI)
Admittance is Free.
for more information visit http://writersprojectghana.com

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