Handling Fame and Attention As a Viral Star

The road to stardom is often long, arduous, and expensive. While many never climb atop the mountain of stardom, some settle for the few viral moments they attain, advancing the fame into a sustaining enterprise. For a number of weeks, months, and, in some cases, years, those who attain virality become everyone’s favorite. Half the audience love them while the […]


In an era where gimmicks have become the ace to promoting music rather than talent and substance, it is refreshing to come across an artist who focuses on crafting incredible art, undeterred by the gimmickry that is in vogue. For Ghanaian rapper and songwriter Zed Ay Kay, producing timeless art is what he strives for with each work he releases. […]

SuperJazzClub’s “Welcome to the Club” and Dazed 100 Reviews Hint Spectacular 2024

Amidst an electrifying ambiance of unity and musical prowess, SuperJazzClub, the renowned music collective from Ghana, orchestrated a spellbinding homecoming concert on the 20th of December that had patrons and social media offering rave reviews as the collective closed an eventful 2023. Titled ‘Welcome to the Club,’ the live concert saw a captivating fusion of rhythms and a jubilant reunion […]