Spoken Word Artiste, PAUL FORJOE JNR. talks 100% Rush Show, Corporate sponsorship and how he prepares for shows.
With few days to his first show in 2015, Paul Fordjour (100%), the 2014 Ehalakasa Slam Winner and one of the exponents of poetry in Ghana took time off to talk about the his upcoming poetry show dubbed 100% RUSH -with Kacey Moore (spoken word artiste/singer) and why poets/spoken word artistes must support each other.
Read the full interview
Tell us more about the show and what inspired it?
The show is called 100% Rush to paint my attitude towards performing. Since 2013 I have not put on a show so in 2015 I unleash my zeal for performance by putting out 100% Rush. It is also a signal to people to rush towards living and doing the right thing. Life is short and as a country the sooner we all rush towards the truth we shall be free.
You are featuring Kacey Moore. What is he bringing on board?
I recently experienced Kacey Moore’s performance. I was in awe at his unique take on poetry. His content reveals that he is special to watch. I saw that and wanted audiences to feel that. It was kind of like a rush in making that decision to feature him on the show. Kacey will bring poetry and art to life in a way that will showcase to people that poetry is truly entertaining and diverse.
What should the audience expect on that day?
The audience should expect a lot of poetry and music. Poetry is the spirit behind art. It’s the thread that makes the fabric. Poetry in 100% Rush will be seen through music and spoken word. Audiences should also expect live performances from RTay, an amazing upcoming RNB artist as well as poetry from visiting students from USA studying in the University of Ghana. The MC is Comedian James Brown so the event is packed with lots of entertainment. In addition to this, Deesigns will be present showcasing his work for sale. Deesigns is a fast rising upcoming creative company which deals in hand painting and printing of images and text on t-shirts for all occasions. There will also be a mini bar and some food available for those who will want something to bite on.
Any surprises on the night?
Surprises? I can’t say but hopefully the “rush” of the night might produce some moments of splendor and surprise.
Shows like Rush are one way to push spoken word in Ghana, how challenging is it to put up a show?
 The challenge here is that the artwork is still growing. The idea of a spoken word or poetry show does not appeal to folks as much as a music show. In my past shows I have realized that, so mix music with the poetry to reel in audiences to appreciate the art form. Aside that the logistics and planning of the show comes with its issues and this is sometimes stressful because there are a lot of decisions that one has to take aside things such as how many poems should I perform. Every event, however, is challenging. We should just support each other and help criticize positively in order for the industry to grow.
How can one attract corporate support in this direction?
For corporate support the industry needs a huge following. As an artist I recognize daily the need to brand myself in a light that will increase my fan base and put me in a position to be influential. Until I get to that influential position, sponsorship will take time. We need to support each other and challenge each other as well. Corporate bodies can support but we need to prove to them that it’s worth it.
How long does it take you to memorize your poems before a show?
I usually plan in advance and have some pieces already in memory. Usually I will take like 2 weeks but that is for one piece. I plan in advance for preparedness sake. Writing or memorizing 2 weeks to time is not really my thing it’s kind of sloppy for me and will not work well when performed live.
100% RUSH will take place on Saturday April, 18th, 2015. Check poster for details.

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